Who are the Metaweb Punks?
The Biggest Band in the SAT World
The Metaweb Punks are a 10K Ordinal band directly descended from the Dia De Pixales collection which include the iconic Ordinal 0 and its grandchildren. Their focus is an uplifting melange of anthemic country, hip hop, and rock about freedom, sovereignty, and Bitcoin, but more than anything they like to mix it up. They specialize in music of the moment that's based on what is happening ATM!

33 Common SATS of Uncommon Bravery
In the Rodarmorian sense, these sats weren't what you'd call rare, but a single glance revealed their distinctiveness. Their thoughts diverged from the norm, a trait vividly mirrored in their attire and demeanor. This uniqueness was particularly pronounced during these photographs taken the day before the historic Halloween eve when the band first united.
These 33, second-generation Cypherpunks, had witnessed the crumbling of privacy, transparency, and data sovereignty. Yet, amidst this digital decay, a flicker of optimism ignited with Bitcoin and Ordinals—potential keystones for the next iteration of the Web. United by a vision of a multi-layered web, reminiscent of early computing ideals complete with an annotation layer—a metaphorical library of books—they sought to rewrite the digital narrative.
At the heart of their connection was Bridgit, an embodiment of elevated consciousness, cherishing intelligence, wisdom, and freedom. In homage to the poet and smith, the 33 formed Bridgit DAO, a testament to their shared vision and connection. Under Bridgit's guidance, they penned the seminal book, "The Metaweb: The Next Layer of the Internet." From this collaboration, the identities of 'Metaweb Punks' and 'Metaweb Pioneers' was born, symbolizing those who champion this new movement.
Bridgit and the Metaweb Pioneers now prepare to host an Ordinal Birthday Party, extending an invitation to all aspiring Metaweb Punks. The "Metaweb Punks: Dias del los Muertos Todo los Dias" ordinal collection is a key to this celebration, along with access to exclusive mints and the forthcoming online book.
As the Metaweb Punks journey unfolds, the 33 are exploring avenues to reward the holders of the Metaweb Punks with royalties from the book, NFTs, and the animated film. A recent call to action beckons rare sats to join the Metaweb ranks and become part of this pioneering movement. Despite the high fees and stakes, the anticipation grows to see who will rise to this challenge.

Coming 2024
More Music of the Moment
Dynamic UNAT Collection
Categories & Rarities
Metaweb Roadmap
Free Mints (Ordinals/Runes)